Introduction To Media Library
Here we will study about the media library of the WordPress. This media library contains the images, audios as well as files which you want to upload & add into your article.
In this chapter, we will learn how can we insert, edit and delete any media file in our WordPress blog. Here are some fields about Media Library that you have to understand. There are two options in Media i.e; Library & Add New. Firstly, we talk about the library option:
Step 1 − Click on Media > Library in WordPress.
Step 2 − You can see there some tabs as the following snapshot:
- Add New: This tab helps you to upload an image in WordPress.
- List View: It shows in the list form of the images and videos.
- Grid View: It displays all images in the grid format which shown in the following snapshot.
- All Media Tab: It helps you to filter the images, audios, videos & unattached items.
- All Dates: It helps you to filter the items according to their date.
- Bulk Select: If you want to select multiple images at the same time then you can this option to select many images.
- Search Box: Sometimes, it difficult to find a particular image in the media library then you can use the search box. It helps you to search a particular image by inserting the name into the box.
Inserting A Media In WordPress
Now the turn is about the how to Insert Media file into your blog post. So, no need to worry about that, just follow these simple steps:
Step 1 − Click on Posts > Add New Or you can use another option – Click on Media>Library>Add New.
If You click on Media > Add New option then there will be a window open which shown in below screen shot.
And if you go for Media > Library > Add New option then the open window seems like that below snapshot:
Step 3 − You can select the files from the Media Library tab as shown in the following screenshot.
Either you can Upload any media that you want to insert in your article which as shown below in the snapshot. Or you can also drag that media file to insert into your blog.
Step 4 – When you select any media file then will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There you can see some fields regarding the image which are describes below –
- URL: This is the URL of that particular image.
- Title: It allows you to give a title to your image.
- Caption: This text will be displayed with your image.
- Alt Text: When a user’s browser is unable to locate an image then it is displayed.
- Description: The text displayed on the attached page for your image.
- Alignment: It allows you to put your image in left, right or center, wherever you want.
- Link To: You can use non-clickable option, if you want your image does not have any link. You can use clickable option, if you want to make your image clickable. If you want to link up your image with another website then put url of that particular site.
- Size: You can select any size that you want to put your image by clicking on Edit Image option which is shown as following screenshot.
Step 5 – After filling all information, Click on Insert Media.
Deleting A Media In WordPress
In this chapter we will study how to Delete Media file permanently. Just follow these simple steps:
Step 1 – Click on Media > Library.
Step 2 – Select any media file like – an image, audio or video. You can see that image on the right side. There will be an option of Delete Permanently as shown on the following snapshot.
Step 3 – Click on that option and a pop up confirmation window open.
Step 4 – Click on Ok button. After clicking on Ok button the media file would be deleted permanently.